Our drivers will arrive at the meeting location (hotel) within 15 minutes before the booking time; You will have 30 minutes from the booking time to show up at the location, otherwise, our driver will be ask to leave the hotel and you won’t be able to request a refund.


To cancel any booking the same day that you ask for the service, you will have tocommunicate with our company by email, WhatsApp or calling at the office with a time lapse of 12 hours before the booking time, otherwise, we won’t be able to help you cancel it.


To proceed with the service once our driver arrives at the destination, you must show the voucher that you received at the booking, also, you must present your identity document or the identity document of the person who booked the transfer (in case of have booked through a third party).


Our team will always be waiting for you with a poster or a tablet with the company logo and your name. Refrain from accepting services that are not identified.